Swaffham Heath
Swaffham Heath
29/10/17 18:07
A fascinating day down the hand lens looking at Bryophytes with N&NNS
Thank you
I need to find a way to photograph the beauty of these small plants.
Bifid Crestwort ( Lophocolea bidentata )
Wild Mignonette ( Reseda lutea )
Bank Haircap ( Polytrichastrum formosum )
Waved Silk Moss ( Plagiothecium undulatum )
Wild Basil seed head ( Clinopodium vulgare )
Peziza Sp ?
Possibly slightly old Tarzetta cupularis - the texture on the outer cup is right but the edge of the cup is usually more uniformly toothed.
Many thanks again to James Emerson @Norwichbirder for ID help
Kidney Vetch ( Anthyllis vulneraria )