Kelling Heath
Sand-hill Screw-moss (Syntrichia ruralis subsp ruraliformis )
Comparing the sharp pointed tip leaves of the above plant
with the much blunter tipped leaves of the plant below from Great Yarmouth Seafront
But they both have recurved leaf margins
Great Hairy Screw-moss ( Syntrichia ruralis subsp. ruralis )
Dwarf Swan-neck Moss ( Campylopus pyriformis)
Deciduous leaves and shoots
Whitish Feather Moss (Bracythecium albicans) or Rough-stalked Feather-moss ( Bracyhtecium rutabulum) Needs Checking
and something in front probably
Redshank ( Ceratodon purpureus)
Heath Star-moss ( Campylopus introflexus)
C. introflexus can be tricky. It is very common on heathland, but is often at various stages and you can have to
search really hard for hairpoints at the base of the plant on older leaves. It tends to be upright, whereas D. het etc are more falcate.
Mary Ghullam pers comm
Juniper Haircap (Polytrichum jumiperinum)
Moss Ids confirmed and left open on this occasion.
Thanks to Mary Ghullam BBS Vice County 27 recorder
Wrinkled Crust Fungus ( Phlebia radiata )
Candlesnuff ( Xylaria hypoxylon )
Lichen - Claydonia Sp ?
Moss Sp?
Moss Sp ?
Moss Sp?
Cypress-leaved Plait- moss ( Hypnum cupressiforme ) ?
Moss Sp?
Scarlet Waxcap ( Hygrocybe coccinea )
Yellow Field Cap ( Bolbitius titubans )
Hairy Crust Fungus ( Stereum hirsutum )
Pettycoat Mottlegill - complete with petticoat ( Panaeolus papilionaceus )
the fly
that likes to sit atop of it.
Dapperling Sp
A white bracket fungus coloured by algae ?
Porcelain Fungus ( Oudemansiella mucida )
Amethyst Deceiver ( Laccaria amethystina )
Stereum Sp ?
Wrinkled Crust ( Phlebia radiata ) possibly
Lichen Sp ?
Bracket fungus Sp?
Many thanks again to James Emerson @Norwichbirder for ID help
Holkham Pines
Corsican Pines ( Pinus nigra var maritima )
A seedling pine
Magnificently fissured bark of the Corsican Pine
Miner's Lettuce ( Claytonia perfoliata )
Ragwort ( Jacobaea vulgaris ) )
Dyer's Mazegill ( Phaeolus schweinitzii )
Wrinkled Crust Fungus ( Phlebia radiata )
Oyster Fungus ( Pleurotus ostreatus ) On rotting pine.
Yellow Stagshorn ( Calocera viscosa ) on rotting pine ?
Peltegera hymnera
Claydonia Sp ?
Cypress-leaved Plait-moss ( Hypnum cupressiforme)
Stereum sp ?
Lichen ?
Many thanks again to James Emerson @Norwichbirder for ID help