And the sun came out after a very grey early morning.
Scything the mud.
Avocet ( Avocetta recurvirostra )
Black Tailed Godwit ( Limosa limosa )
Ruff (
Growing up is hard to do.
Mum! Where's my food??
Come on mum.
Get it yourself.
And the temper tantrum ensued.
Black Headed Gull ( Larus ridibundus )
Common Tern ( Sterna hirundo )
Ringed Plover ( Charadrius hiaticula )
Walking down the beach towards Thornham a creek stops one going all the way.
But following the edge of the creek as it turns back towards Titchwell; this wonderful sight appeared in front of me.
Immediately they began to scamper back towards the water.
Thankfully, all it took was to stop and kneel down.
Still visible to them as you can see from the photograph above but enough for them to hold fast.
Gradually they calmed, realising I was going to go any further towards them.
Well, only a little after about fifteen minutes of stillness so I could get clearer pictures.
They continued in their sunbathing and gradually made their way back up the bank to lie on the vegetation.
One or two kept a watchful eye
but sunbathing was the order of day.
Except for one younger one who preferred to splash about in the shallows.
Managed to retire after about an hour without further disturbance.
After about an hour, retired to leave them to their day.
Common Seal ( Phoca vitulina )
Insignificant little plant on the side of the track, but so beautiful.
Hedge Parsley ( Torilis arvensis )
The vertebrae of a dead ?
Avocet280717-10 from Mike Ball on Vimeo.
Holkham Pines
Common Darter ( Sympetrum striolatum )
Mating Kite-tailed Robberfly ( Machimus atricapillus )
Thanks to James Emerson @Norwichbirder for help with identification.
Carline Thistle ( Carlina vulgaris )
Spear Thistle ( Cirsium vulgare )
Dark Green Fritillary
couldn't find the
Creeping Lady's Tresses
Juvenile Shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna )
Freshly minted young Sedge Warbler
Adult Sedge Warbler still feeding young ( Acrocephalus schoenobaenus )
Marsh Harrier - Juvenile ( Circus aeruginosus )
Black Tailed Godwit ( Limosa limosa )
Pernnial Sow Thistle ( Sonchus arvensis )
Mugwort ( Artemesia vulgaris )
Gypsywort ( Lycopus europaeus )
Common Orache ( Atriplex patula )
Parsley Water Dropwort ? ( Oenanthe lachenallii )
Little Stint
Common Sandpiper
Spotted Redshank
Yellow Legged Gull
Green Sandpiper
Mediterranean Gull
Holt Country Park
Common Darter - female ( Sympetrum striolatum )
Pellucid Hoverfly ( Volucella pellucens )
Silver Washed Fritillary ( Argynnis paphia )
Red Admiral ( Vanessa atalanta )
Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta )
Black Tailed Godwit ( Limosa limosa )
Amazing. All that effort for a tiddler.
Heron ( Ardea cinerea )
Caspian Gull
Yellow Legged Gulls
Mediterranean Gulls
Barking Tye
Yellowhammer ( Emeberiza citrinella )
Nettle Leaved Bellflower ( Campanula trachelium )
Wild Carrot ( Daucus carlotta )
See the explanation for the central purple flower in the tweet below.
Wild Carrot - You can see why it was called Queen Anne's Lace or Bishop's Lace Just stunning. @Britnatureguide #wildflowerhour @BSBIbotany pic.twitter.com/xcbxqy4DXz
— Mike Ball (@Caryocatactes) July 17, 2017

Old Man's Beard ( Clematis vitalba )
Down by the riverside as the sun came out.
Beautiful pollarded willow.
Arrowhead ( Sagittaria sagittifolia )
Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus ) in the mill pond. Going over but still impressive.
Flatford Mill Pond
Avocet ( Avoceta recurvirostra )
Black Headed Gull ( Larus ridibundus )
Shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna )
Greylag ( Anser anser )
Goldfinch ( Carduelis carduelis )
Black Tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa )
Caspian Gull
Little Ringed Plover
Yellow Legged Gull
Spotted Redshank
Marsh Harrier
Thompson Common
Common Bistort ( Persicaria bistorta )
Cinnabar Moth caterpillars (Tyria jacobaeae )
Scarce Emerald Damsel Fly - female (Lestes dryas )
Common Blue Damselfly - female ( Enallagma cyathigerurm )
Fool's Water Cress ( Apium nodiflorum )
Hayrattle ( Rhinanthus minor )
Rush sp?
Tubular Water Dropwort ( Oenanthe fistulosa )
Wood Dock Fruit ( Rumex sanguineus )
Alderfen Broad
Cowbane ( Cicuta virosa )
Yellow Loosestrife ( Lysimachia vulgaris )
Marsh Fern ( Thelypteris palustris )
Marsh Harrier ( Circus aeruginosus )
Milk Parsley ( Peucedanum palustre ) & Swallowtail caterpillar ( Papillio machaon )
Common Valerian ( Valeriana officinalis ) )
Water Plantain ( Alisma plantago-aquatica )
Royal Fern ( Osmunda regalis )
Potter Heigham Marshes
Greater Bladderwort ( Utricularia vulgaris )
Scarce Emerald Damselfly - Male ( Lestes dryas )
Four Spotted Chaser ( Libellula quadrimaculata )
Norfolk Hawker - Female ( Aeshna isosceles )
Water Soldier ( Stratiotes aloides )
Honing Bridge
Damselflies in the Hazel.
Hazel ( Corylus avellana )
Banded Demoiselle living up to its name, both English and Latin. ( Calopteryx splendens ) Females at the top - Males below.
Yellow Waterlily ( Nymphea lutea )
Black Tailed Skimmer ( Orthetrum cancellatum )
Ruddy Darter ( Sympetrum sanguineum )
Mullein ( Verbascum thapsus )
Grayling, Dark Green Fritillary, Gatekeeper.
Whimbrel flying over.
Dagger Fly ( Empis spp )
Lady's Bedstraw ( Galium verum )
Ringlet ( Aphantopus hyperantus )
Avocet ( Recurvirostra avocetta )
Marmalade Hoverfly ( Episyrphus balteatus )
Chicory ( Cichorium intybus )
Field Bindweed ( Convolvulus arvensis )
Meadow Pipit ( Anthus pratensis )
Grass Leaved Orache ( Atriplex littoralis )
Common Orache ( Atriplex patula )
Redshank ( Tringa totanus )
Salt Marsh Rush ( Juncus gerardii )
Sand Martin ( Riparia riparia )
Common Sea Lavender ( Limonium vulgare )
Sea Milkwort ( Glaux marítima )
Sea Purslane ( Halimione portulacoides )
Greater Sea Spurrey ( Spergularia media )
White Mellilot ( Melilotus albus )
Ribbed Mellilot ( Melilotus officinalis )
Holt Country Park
Pellucid Fly ( Volucella pellucens )
Comma ( Polygonia c-album )
White Admiral ( Limenitis camilla )
White Bryony ( Bryonia alba )
Silver Washed Fritillary ( Argynnis paphia )