Upton Fen
Went to Upton Fen yesterday to see the Fen Orchids but we're not allowed to look this year so a few pictures from last year.
Seems a shame that there's a complete ban perhaps the NWT need to take a leaf from the Rex Hancy reserve.
Great views of Goshawk and Hobby.
Grasshopper warbler reeling briefly.
Fen Orchid ( Liparis loeselli )
Poplar Leaf Beetle ( Chrysomela populi )
Marsh Pea ( Lathyrus palustris )
Common Spotted Orchid ( Dactylorhiza fuchsii )
Beetle spp ?
Large Wintergreen ( Pyrola rotundifolia )
Skullcap ( Scutellaria galericulata )
Blickling Park
Branched Bur-reed ( Sparganium erectum )
Cyoerus Sedge ( Carex pseudocyperus )
Blue-tailed Damselfly ( Ischnura elegans )
Field Buttercup ( Ranunculus acris )
Flag iris ( Iris pseudacorus )
Black-tailed Skimmer - Female ( Orthetrum cancellatum ) Wings not quite fully formed. Sitting quietly in the reeds.
Lesser Stichwort ( Stellaria graminea )
Common Spotted Orchid ( Dactylorhiza fuchsii )
Silverweed ( Argentina anserina )
Sweet Flag ( Acorus calamus )
Water Forget me not ( Myosotis scorpioides )
Mayfly living up to it's name. ( Ephemeroptera