19/05/17 05:55 Filed in: Haapsalu-Estonia
Haapsalu Bay
Common Gull ( Larus cannus )
A pair of Great Crested grebe in the bay. ( Podiceps cristatus )
The pair below were just putting the finishing touches to their nest.
Diving down to collect fresh weed.
The first time on the nest.
Seems okay
One more bit of reed.
Hooded Crow scavenging in the harbour. ( Corvus cornix )
Jackdaw ( Corvus monedula )
The most delightful Tree Sparrows in and around the park and water's edge. ( Passer montanus )
Goosander in the bay. ( Mergus merganser )
Common tern fishing in the harbour. ( Sterna hirundo )
01/05/17 12:17 Filed in: Dungeness - Kent
Whitethroat - Sylvia communis
Marsh Harrier - Cygnus aeruginosus
Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps crostatas
Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus schnoenobaenus
Sea Kale - Crambe maritima
Sea Campion - Silene uniflora