Blakeney Point
Just breathtaking today.
Redshank ( Tringa totanus ) piping in the flooded creeks near the fishing boats at high tide.
Shoveller ( Anas clypeata )
One bird moved from the nest.
The partner settled on the nest.
But something wasn't quite right.
Settling down but is still wasn't quite right.
Aah. Now we're there.
Avocet ( recurvirostra avocetta )
Sea Campion ( Silene uniflora )
Sea Kale ( Crambe marítima )
Horned Poppy in bud ( Glaucium flavum )
Mating Oystercatchers
Oystercatcher ( Haematopus longirostris )
Ringed Plover ( Charadrius hiatacula )
Thrift ( Armeria marítima )
The Bouy at the point.
Shellduck ( Tadorna tadorna )
Desiccated Hare
The tide line
Sea Spurge ( Euphorbia paralias )
Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus )
A major migration watch point.
Oystercatcher ( Haematopus ostralegus )
Long Tailed Duck sunning itself on the rocks. Many hundreds further out into the water. ( Clangula hyemalis )
Pasque Flower growing on the beach. ( Pulsatilla vulgaris )
Banks of Wood Anemone on the road to Poosaspea ( Anemone nemorosa )
Hepatica ( Hepatica nobilis )
Ants ?