Upton Fen
Common Bog Hoverfly ( Sericomyia silentis )
Brimstone ( Gonepteryx rahmni )
Devil's Bit Scabious ( Succisa pratensis )
Eristalsis nemorum
Eristalis is nemorum (small discreet wing stigma, no wing cloud, hind leg isn't swollen (as in tenax) and front tarsi not yellow (as in pertinax).
Eristalsis horticola
Dark wing mark that extends from the wing edge towards the body.
Grass of Parnassus ( Parnassia palustris )
Honeysuckle ( Lonicera periclymenum )
Long Hoverfly - female ( Spaerophora sp? )
Thanks again to James Emerson @NorwichBirder for help in identification of the above insects.
Marsh Sowthistle ( Sonchus palustris )
Square Stalked St John's Wort ( Hypericum tetrapterum )
White Tailed Bumble Bee ( Bombus lucorum )
Ruddy Darter - Male ( Sympetrum sanguineum )
Thanks to James
One wonderful spider.