Looking towards Salthouse from Cley East Bank
Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
Strumpshaw Fen
Alder - Alnus glutinous catkins just about to unfurl
Those delicious new shoots
Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Coot - Fulica atra
Shoveller - Anser clypeata
Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris
Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudates
Cherry Plum - Prunus cerasifera
At least four Marsh Harriers
A pair of Chinese Water Deer
Wayland Wood
Oak standards (Quercus robur )
Hazel - Corylus avellana
At least three ages of Hazel coppice across the wood
Elf Cup?
Bracket Fungus?
Moss? ground layer
Cockley Cley
Breckland Hedgerow Trees - Scots Pine - Pinus sylvestnis
Martham Broad
Martham Broad. Windmill on the north side.
Looking towards the sea from Martham Broad
Looking toward Martham Broad from the Horsey Rd.
Looking across the fields towards Martham Broad from the Horsey Rd.
Pink-footed Geese - Anser brachyrynchus
Three Rooks (Corvus frugilegus) and a Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Wonderful majestic pollarded willow on the road between Sea Palling and Hickling.
Kelling Heath
Gorse - Ulex europeus
+ Weevil Spp?
Ants spp in the sunshine.
Gorse - Ulex europeus
Those first spider spp? hatching in the sunshine
Foxley Wood
Oak standards (Quercus robur) with Hazel (Corylus Javellana) understorey.
Bracket Fungi?
Hazel Bark
Red Hazel flower
Male catkins below the female flower.
Hazel - Corylus avellana
Honeysuckle shoots - Lonicera periclymenum
Kelling Heath
Gorse - Ulex europaeus
Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus
Silver Birch - Betula pendula
Santon Downham
River Ouse at Santon Downham
Coppice Alder (Alnus glutinosa) in the late afternoon sunlight on the river bank.
Old Poplar (Populus nigra 'Italica') full of nesting holes.
Marsh Tit on the river bank
Siskin, Brambling, Grey Wagtail, Dabchick
Earlier in the day at Grime's Graves Woodlark singing in the sunshine.
A Telegraph pole tree on the way to Ingworth
Just North of Blickling Park
Robin - Erithacus rubella
Hazel Corylus avellana
Scarlet Elf Cup? - Sarcoscypha coccinea
Guelder Rose - Viburnum opulus
Just the skins left.
Haddiscoe Island
At least five flying around the marsh.
Rough Legged Buzzard
A pair of Kestrels harrying the Short Eared Owls
Marsh Harrier
Barn Owl
Just a perfect morning.
Not a breath of wind.
A derelict, rusting old crane.
Pinkfeet - Anser brachyrynchus
Although the front five have orange legs.
There were
Thirteen Bean Geese
(Anser fabalis)
Two White- fronted Geese
(Anser albifrons)
Magnificent in the sunshine
dripping with
buoyant in the morning air.
Down at the Church the snowdrops are in bloom.
Snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis
Felbrigg Lake
Blue Tit - Cyanistes caeruleus
Long Tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudates
Both pottering about in the Alders down by the lake. Off the Siskins no sight or sound.
But a distinct flash of azure flashed past
and spent a moment
bashing its prey's head
on a log.
While the rasp of an Egyptian goose played in the background.
Early morning and the first Song Thrush is tentatively exploring the spring with a Crow for an accompaniment.
Kelling Heath
Just still and calm today
with the odd car in the distance
The high pitched plaintive call with a little trill at the end of Long Tailed Tits
The even higher pitch of the occasional Goldcrest
short churr of a Dartford Warbler
Gorse - Ulex europeus
A party of Siskins (Spinus spinus) twittering away this morning in the Alders
Hickling Broad
Hickling Broad - Weaver's Way.
Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus
The NWT side. Stub Mill in the background.
Winter willow
Sharp Street Fields
Bewick Swans - Cygnus Columbianus
Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus) and one Bewick (Cygnus columbianus)
Just magnificent.
Just over a hundred birds of which at least thirty were Whooper Swans.
Oak Gall
Find out about Galls
Common Polypody - Polypody vulgare
Hazle catkins just opening. Corylus avellana
Ivy - Hedera helix