Wayland Wood
Oaks just coming into leaf and flower
Hazel coppice stool
Bird Cherry - Prunus padus
Bluebell - Hyacinthoides non - scripta just beginning to unfurl.
The flowers are really flat and distinctly horizontal which caught my eye.
Lesser Celandine - Ficaria verna
Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
Early Purple Orchid - Orchis mascula
A pink shade of Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa
Couldn't get over the long legs and how the fly can angle them to get at the different plants of the flower.
The angled knee in the lower picture is extraordinary, particularly with the laid back stretch as well..
Two above that show how high it can project itself. A bit like a cat stretching or an old citroen safari with the air suspension.
Just managed a picture of the back legs extended. They are very quick to tuck them in when they land on something.
Large Bee-fly - Bombylius major supping on the Celandines.
Bee-fly life cycle form the Dipterists forum
Most amazing the way the females load the eggs with dirt to camouflage the eggs and make them heavier.
This allows the female to flick them into the burrows of Solitary Mining bees.
The hatched Bee-fly larva then eat the larva of the Mining bees
Water Avens - Geum rivale
Nodding avens, cure all, drooping avens, water flower, indian chocolate
Orange Ladybird - Halyzia sedecimguttata
Apparently closely associated with Ancient Woodland in the past. Likes to feed on the mildew associated with Sycamores. But it's range is increasing as it has adapted to feed on Ash.
Orange Tip
Holly Blue
Strumpshaw Fen
Wren singing down by the riverside.
Guelder Rose - Viburnum oculus
Mating weevils spp?
Blackird - Turdus merula collecting food.
Carrion Beetle - Oiceoptoma thoracic
Big twigs
Chiffchaff - Phyloscopus collybita collecting nest material.
Blackcap singing nearby.
Mistle Thrush and wren singing as well.
Coltsfoot - Tussilago carrara
Dogwood - Cornus sanguinea
Field Maple - Acer campestris
Alder Fly - Sails lutaria
Dung Fly - Scathofaga furcata
Tapered Drone Fly - Eristalis pertinax
Pale front legs and tapering body.
Grasshopper nymph.
Hop - Humulus Lupulus
Common Lizard - Zootopa vivipara
Horsetail - Equisetum spp
Scorched Carpet - Ligdia adustata
UK Moths
Moths by Family
Palmate Newt - Lisotriton helveticus
Newt identification form Frog life
Shoveller - Anas clypeata
Comma - Polygonia c-album
Kelling Heath
A lone Silver Birch - Betual pendula
Woodlark - Lullula arborea singing high overhead.
They couldn't have a better Latin name: the heathland resounds with Lullula when they are singing.
Gorse - Ulex europeus
A juicy green caterpillar sunning itself on the gorse. spp?
Fresh young Silver Birch leaves.
Lots of dew laden funnels about this morning.
Super little bristly brown spiders. Spp???
Lots of Linnets - Linaria cannabina singing.
Chiffchaffs singing in profusion.
Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita
Kelling Heath
Gorse - Ulex europeus
+ Weevil Spp?
Ants spp in the sunshine.
Gorse - Ulex europeus
Those first spider spp? hatching in the sunshine