Beeston Common
14/04/17 17:40
Cuckoo Flower - Cardamine pratensis
Large Bitter Cress - Cardamine amara
Crane Fly - Tipula oleracea
Marsh Marigold - Caltha palustris
Marsh Valerian - Valeriana dioica
Moss capsules ?
Rowan - Sorbus aucuparia
Black bog rush - Schoenus nigerians
Holly - Ilex aquifolium
New growth on the gorse.- Ulex europeus
Field Horsetail - Equisetum arvense
Guelder Rose - Viburnum opulus
Wood Sage - Teucrium scorodonia
Common Butterwort - Pinguicula vulgaris
Tawny Mining Bee - Andrena fulva
Delightful orange furred bee.
Beeston Common
09/03/17 15:46
Common Frog - Rana temporaria
Hundreds of frogs and oodles of frog spawn and an amazing croak.