Salthouse Heath
Just on the edge of the heath is this glorious Oak - Quercus robur. Looking resplendent in it's spring green.
Blickling Park
Carpet of Bluebells - Hyacinthoides non-scripta
The twists and turns of Sweet Chestnut trunks. - Castanea sativa
Oak - Quercus roubar
Common Lime - Tilia x europea
Wood Sorrell leaves in the grass - Oxalis acetosela
Sparham Pools
Oak - Quercus robur
Superb old Oaks on the edge of the main pools.
Speckled Wood - Pararge algeria
Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum
Broom - Cytisus scoparius
The curves in Broom are quite spectacular.
Hidden in the Broom bush a Long tailed Tit's nest covered in Lichen.
Dandelion - Taraxacum official
Cuckoo Flower - Cardamine pratensis
Orange Tip - Anthocaris cardamons
An explosive burst of Blackcap, then Chiffchaff, followed by the Blackcap again. A bee floating around as well.
Another burst of Blackcap
Fresh young Oak - Quercus robur, leaves and flowers beginning to open.
Older Oak - Quercus robur
Male and female Stonechat - Saxicola rubicola
Dartford Warbler - Sylvia undata
Hoe Rough
At least 330 years old apparently.
Magnificent trees
The brilliant touch of red to the trees at the moment.
Female Poplar catkins.
Super old oak in the sunshine.
Oak - Quercus robur
Brambling - Fringilla monitfringilla
in the trees this morning nibbling at the new shoots
characteristically wheezing.
Wayland Wood
Oak standards (Quercus robur )
Hazel - Corylus avellana
At least three ages of Hazel coppice across the wood
Elf Cup?
Bracket Fungus?
Moss? ground layer
Foxley Wood
Oak standards (Quercus robur) with Hazel (Corylus Javellana) understorey.
Bracket Fungi?
Hazel Bark
Red Hazel flower
Male catkins below the female flower.
Hazel - Corylus avellana
Honeysuckle shoots - Lonicera periclymenum