Hairy Rock-cress - Arabis hirsuta
Purple Dead Nettle - Lamium purpureum
Greater Stitchwort - Stellaria holostea
White Dead Nettle - Lamium album
Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria Female
Speckled Wood - UK Butterflies
Speckled Wood - Learn about Butterflies
Rosary Rd Cemetery
Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa Primrose - primula vulgaris
Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
Beech - Fagus sylvatica
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale & Yellow Fumitory - Corydalis lutea
Yellow Fumitory - Corydalis lute
Wood Sorrell - Oxalis acetosela
Alderford Common
Blackthorn - Prunus spinosa
Just delightful in the sun today.
Wavy Bitter Cress - Cardemine flexuosa
Moschatel - Adoxa moscahatellina
Santon Downham
Mandarin - Aix galericulata
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea
SantonDownham28031710 from Mike Ball on Vimeo.
Wayland Wood
Hazel - Corylus avellana
Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
Blackthorn - Prunus spinosa
Alexanders - Smyrnium olusatrum
Harlequin Ladybird - Harmonia axyridis
Map showing invasion of this species in Europe since 2000
Kelling Heath
Gorse - Ulex europeus
Western Gorse - Ulex gall
Flowers later in the year than one in flower at the moment.
Ling - Calluna vulgaris
Stone Pit Wood
Wych Elm - Ulmus glabra
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale
Santon Downham
At least two pairs of Mandarin Ducks calling overhead. Just not quite quick enough to get the photo.
Soft morning colours - just about sunrise.
Looking for Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers - to no vail this morning. But a brilliant soundscape of Redpoll from the Sallows nearby.
Nuthatch - Sitta europaea prospecting nest hole. Having a good old barney with the local Great Tits.
Otter - Lutra lutra
The most amazing of creatures. Mum, dad and one pup. Had a good walk down the river with them. Just brilliant.
Dad crossed the river, rose up on his legs, to give me a good stare and then floated off.
Redgrave & Lopham Fen
Small Tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
Bearded Tit
Cavenham Heath
One Stone Curlew head visible above the heather.
Aspen - Populus tremula
Long Tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus
Didn't manage to find an adder or two.
Wayland Wood
So delicately perfect. Almost the Tudor rose.
Barren Strawberry - Potentilla sterilis
Bird Cherry (Prunus padus) just about to flower.
Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa
Early Dog-violet - Viola riechenbaciana
The delicate hairs on the leaves really sang in the sunshine today.
Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
The canopy was in full flower but couldn't stretch that far.
Lolly Moor
Lolly Moor - NWT Reserve
Sycamore - Acer pseudoplatanus
Early Dog-Violet - Viola reichenbachiana
Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage - Chrysosplenium oppositifolia
Honeypot Wood
Honeypot Wood - NWT Reserve
Ash - Fraxinus excelsior
Super old coppice stools in the wood. Ash, Hazel and
Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa
Lesser Celandine - Ficaria verna
Dog's Mercury - Mercurialis perennis
Hoe Rough
At least 330 years old apparently.
Magnificent trees
The brilliant touch of red to the trees at the moment.
Female Poplar catkins.
Super old oak in the sunshine.
Oak - Quercus robur
Brambling - Fringilla monitfringilla
in the trees this morning nibbling at the new shoots
characteristically wheezing.
Lakenheath Fen
The poplars very shallow rooted with a root mass of about 20 ft across.
The poplars glow red at this time of year from the female catkins. Perfect.
Common Crane - Grus grus
Very distant but distinctive silhouettes but nice to hear them bugling.
Wayland Wood
Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
Just coppiced
One year coppice?
Willow - Salix spp?
Bird Cherry - Prunus pads
Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyne
Yellow Star of Bethlehem - Gagea lutea
Comma - Polygonia c-album
Brimstone butterflies on the wing.
Chiffchaff singing
Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers
Marsh Tit
Alderford Common
Cherry Plum - Prunus cerasifera
Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna
Moschatel - Adoxa moschatellina
Lichen spp?
Silver Birch seeds?
ChiffChaff singing
pair of Buzzards
Stone Pit Wood
Rusty Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
Wood Sage - Teucrium scorodonia
and a
Kelling Heath
2 singing Chiffchaffs this morning
4 Dartford Warblers
Wood Lark singing
Linnets singing away
Yellow Hammers getting into the groove.
Green Woodpecker
At least a 100 Redwing passing through.
Blackbird on a post
Felbrigg Great Wood
Beech - Fagus sylvatica
Sweet Chestnut - Castanea sativa
Dog's Mercury - Mercurialis perennis
Purple Dead Nettle - Lamium purpureum
Lesser Celandine - Ficaria verna
Moss Spp? Capsules
Beeston Common
Common Frog - Rana temporaria
Hundreds of frogs and oodles of frog spawn and an amazing croak.
Crocus. One of naturalised group at the top of the cliff at the edge of Cromer.
Magpie - Pica pica
Wet soggy clay cliffs just right for Coltsfoot.
Looking towards Cromer from Overstrand.
Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara
Glaucous Gull (Juvenile) - Larus hyperboreus
Stone Pit Wood
Liverwort spp?
Wych Elm - Ulmus glabra
Winter Heliotrope - Petasites fragrans
One distant Redpoll of a party of thirty in the tops of the Birch, nibbling away.
Slime Mould?
Bracket Fungus Spp?
Silver Birch - Betula pendula
Kelling Heath
Looking towards Cley
Woodlark singing
snatch of Dartford Warbler song.
Yellow Hammer tuning up for the Spring
Santon Downham
Largely grey and blustery. Just occasionally the sun shone through.
Willow - Salix spp?
Wonderful green bracket fungus. Spp??
Alder (Alnus glutinous) caught between blusters of wind - just.
Redpoll, Siskin, Grey Wagtail